[Exi-euro] chat's fellow introduction

Amara Graps amara at amara.com
Sat Sep 10 23:21:36 UTC 2005

Hi Alberto,

Greetings, and welcome to extropy-land :-)

Congratulations about your transhumanist efforts. Please continue...

something recent of my own effort:


Chat Topic: Amara Graps - Dust as photons

Astronomer, Amara Graps joins ImmInst Chat to help members follow
the trail of dust from supernovae to us. Is dust is a piece of
us, or are we a piece of the dust?

ciao da Roma,



Amara Graps, PhD       
Istituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario, CNR-ARTOV,
Via del Fosso del Cavaliere, 100, I-00133 Roma, ITALIA
tel: +39-06-4993-4375       |fax:  +39-06-4993-4383
Amara.Graps at ifsi.rm.cnr.it  | 
I'M SIGNIFICANT!...screamed the dust speck. -- Calvin

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