[extropy-chat] thank evolution for the interstate highway system

Mike Lorrey mlorrey at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 3 00:52:24 UTC 2003

--- Dirk Bruere <dirk at neopax.com> wrote:
> Yet it is quite conceivable that Homo Sapiens simply bred more
> quickly, esp
> since they were smaller and presumably needed less food.
> Only a 1% differential would have led to Neanderthals becoming
> extinct in a very short timescale.
> It may have nothing whatsoever to do with intelligence.

It might, but examination of the tool record indicates differently.
Tools of neanderthalis were typically far more crude than sapiens
tools, they also lacked in variety, and despite being capable of it,
they never adopted force multiplier weapons like spear throwers or

They were also less adaptable, evolved specifically for the subarctic
conditions just south of the glacier line during the ice ages, they
lacked the adaptability of sapiens to migrate and survive in any
climate. They faced a quandary quite similar to that faced by the
native americans at the hands of european migration.

Mike Lorrey
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                                       - Gen. John Stark
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                                       - Mike Lorrey
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