[extropy-chat] Extropy #15 Timeline

Extropian Agroforestry Ventures Inc. megao at sasktel.net
Thu Dec 4 14:32:19 UTC 2003

Might that be for people born in 1967 who make it to 2007 in good shape that
nutrition  and technology will slow the 40-50 span from 2007-2017 say by 50%; then
the 2017-2027 span will be slowed by say 70% and the 2027-2037 span by
80% yielding a body with the wear and tear of a 50 years @ 70.  By 2037
regenerative technology may reapair or replace the degeneration much more
effectively and say if the efficiency of repair and regeneration increases to 90%
30 years to 2067 then you have a 60 year old body with 100 chronological years.
At 2067 If technology can replace and regenerate 100% then chronological age
no longer matters.  So 1967 as a start of the AGELESS GENERATION may not be so far


JDP wrote:

> David Lubkin wrote:
> >
> > The nevers surprise me, particularly for "Two Century Biological Lifespans."
> Apparently what they meant is we would go straight from lifespans
> shorter than two centuries to indefinite lifespans. (Drexler even gives
> 1967 for indefinite lifespan.)
> Thanks Hal for providing this!
> Jacques
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