[extropy-chat] Whoops! and holiday greetings

scerir scerir at libero.it
Sat Dec 6 17:50:45 UTC 2003

"Mike Lorrey" 
> I'll note that the French have 'tu' for the singular and 'vous' for the
> plural (as best I recall)

We also use "tu" for the singular,
and "voi" for the plural. But,
during fascism they used "voi" plural, 
instead of "tu", for the singular too,
because it was more robust, solemn. 
Still now you can find somebody saying
"voi", for the singular. For the
same reason "voi", for the singular,
was/is strongly forbidden, among
leftists. But we also use, instead
of "tu" (singular), "lei" or "ella"
(singular) when the situation is formal
(in theory "lei" and "ella" is a third
person, singular) and you want to put
some distance between you and the other.

Less difficult to understand is 
questo = this (close to me)
quello = that (far from me)
codesto = ??? (far from me, close to you)



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