[extropy-chat] promoting libertarianism effectively

Max More max at maxmore.com
Sat Dec 6 21:15:38 UTC 2003

At 11:55 AM 12/6/2003, you wrote:
>Why didnt we think of this before?

Egad!  What a terrible interview.

It confirms the impression of Tucker Carlson as a moron, which I formed 
when I was on crossfire debating cryonics during the Ted Williams furor.

More disappointingly, Rachel Mill's responses could have been much better 
-- even taking into account the rapid fire format.

It doesn't help that the first two words out of her mouth are: "Child 

When asked about marijuana, she replies "Marijuana, I think honest science 
proves that it's harmless just like alcohol". I must have missed the news 
when it was shown that alcohol is *harmless*. Defending the legality of a 
substance on the grounds that it's harmless is a doomed strategy.

When asked, "which free-market economy turns you on most? she replies "You 
know, right now I like Russia, actually, because they just passed a 13 
percent flat tax, and their economy is soaring".  It's staggering that she 
would point to Russia as an exemplar of free markets! State control of the 
media with Putin looking like an old-time Communist, lack of the rule of 
law, and so on...

I've never been a supporter of the LP even though its policies are closer 
to my views than any other party I know of. This display makes it even more 
likely that my non-support will continue.

Spike, what on Earth was it that you liked about this?


Max More, Ph.D.
max at maxmore.com or more at extropy.org
Strategic Philosopher
Chairman, Extropy Institute. http://www.extropy.org <more at extropy.org>

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