[extropy-chat] promoting libertarianism effectively
neptune at superlink.net
Sun Dec 7 14:57:41 UTC 2003
On Sunday, December 07, 2003 1:14 AM Olga Bourlin fauxever at sprynet.com
> I'm sorry, but I can't see how the issue of
> whether selling calendars rather than
> asking the government for a "handout" is
> in any way cool. To be concerned about
> a "handout" from the government at this
> level - it just seems like such a piffle.
Well, I'm not sure about it being "cool," but that's a relative term.
Anything can be cool or uncool depending on the context.
I also don't think it's a piffle. Yes, there are bigger areas of
spending waste, but this a way to get the point across about such
handouts in a way that most people won't find threatening and might even
agree with. One problem, too, with government financing of election
campaigns is that it becomes merely another welfare program -- meaning
certain special interests will want to keep it going regardless of its
results -- and that it will result in even more government control over
elections -- meaning that the government will play more of role in what
the issues are and who runs. The old anarchist saw will apply in
spades: No matter who you vote for the government wins. (Well,
naturally, but the more intervention there is in the process, the more
those who hold the reigns of power now will decide who holds them after
the next election. The more the current government will decide who will
be in the next government and what its policies will be.)
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