[extropy-chat] Encryption revolution
scerir at libero.it
Mon Dec 8 00:05:06 UTC 2003
Quantum information is physical and has "permanence".
That is because there is a no-cloning (and a stronger
no-cloning) theorem and also a no-deleting
(and a stronger no-deleting) theorem. (Deleting is
different from erasure, which is allowed).
The above theorems are connected to the possibility
of FTL signals http://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0305145
and perhaps also to a possible general principle of
conservation of quantum information.
Classical information is physical but has no "permanence",
that is to say it can be cloned, deleted, and of course
That "permanence" of quantum information **could** be
the conceptual reason of so many difficulties to reach a
perfect quantum cryptography.
For a general, and clean, review of the present situation:
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