[extropy-chat] The Consensus :Expressio unius est exclusioalterius
Dirk Bruere
dirk at neopax.com
Mon Dec 8 14:02:14 UTC 2003
----- Original Message -----
From: "randy" <cryofan at mylinuxisp.com>
To: "Dirk Bruere" <dirk at neopax.com>; "ExI chat list"
<extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2003 6:20 PM
Subject: Re: [extropy-chat] The Consensus :Expressio unius est
> On Sat, 29 Nov 2003 20:41:42 -0000, Dirk wrote
> >
> >The Consensus:-
> >The political party for the new millennium
> >http://www.theconsensus.org
> I really like your new political party. It aligns fairly well with my
> own political beliefs. However, since there probably only about a
> dozen people in the entire world who adhere to these same political
> beliefs, I doubt it will take the world by storm, and the chances of
> it making any dent here in the USA is of course nil.
Or anywhere, probably.
However, I'm giving it my best shot so if in future anyone says '...so what
did you do?' when I whine on about how crap everything is I'll just point
them to some history.
> But how do you feel about the European welfare states? You wrote:
> "From the Right we believe in individual responsibility to balance
> individual rights and that less government is best government - that
> governments should regulate, but not act as an employer or wealth
> producer. "
> This would seem to cast the European welfare states in a less
> favorable light?
Specifically I'm not in favour of govts taking wadges of cash from one
section of society and handing it to another.
Govts should govern ie regulate, so that the basic rules under which a
society operates creates the greatest good for the greatest number, and do
it without sacrificing the least capable members.
> You also wrote:
> "We are nationalists in that we believe that every major cultural
> group should have its own homeland and live under laws of its own
> choosing and in its own way. Also that the independent nation state is
> the last line of defence for the common people against exploitation by
> unrestrained Global Capitalism. We are 'inclusive nationalists' in
> that we believe that all of our citizens have equal rights and are
> equally welcome irrespective of race. So if you are looking for
> nationalists who are not racists, sexists or into euphemisms such as
> 'traditional values', here we are. Our nationalism is a celebration of
> our future, not the past."
> I completely agree about having homelands and nation as small and as
> homogeneous as possible. This increases the available amount of
> Social Capital, which gives more leverage to the citizens over those
> entities and persons who have more financial leverage.
I think that form of nationalism is essential if we want to get the chance
of creating posthuman species and radically differing societies.
The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millennium
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