[extropy-chat] the true meaning of christmas

Mike Lorrey mlorrey at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 9 01:20:01 UTC 2003

--- Adrian Tymes <wingcat at pacbell.net> wrote:
> --- scerir <scerir at libero.it> wrote:
> > You know that one of the present political
> > problems in UE (or EU) is whether they
> > should introduce in the Constitution
> > the word Christ or the expression Christian
> > values, or not. The general opinion was:
> > "No, we do not need these terms". But
> > an influent Italian (urged by the Vatican)
> > said: "What is the meaning of Sunday, then?".
> > So, the problem now becomes: should we 
> > introduce Sunday in the Constitution?
> Huh?  Sunday is a day of the week.  It has historic
> origins, but it has lost its religious meanings
> (alternately, its religious origins have been subsumed
> into common secular practice)...albeit on a level of
> policy too low to belong in the Constitution,
> analogous to overtime and minimum wage laws.

On the contrary, it has not lost its religious meanings whatsoever.
Given that the sabbath was originally Saturday and was changed to
Sunday specifically by the Church (and other judeo-christian sects and
religions still do worship on Saturday), any recognition of Sunday as
the EU standard 'day of rest' is an implicit recognition of an act of
the Catholic Church in particular.

The only people who think it has lost its meaning are people who are
ignorant of history and religion. If the EU really wanted to stick it
to the church, they should have the guts to make Saturday the official
day of rest and have the work week start on Sunday....

Mike Lorrey
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