[extropy-chat] Doubt and About
Mike Lorrey
mlorrey at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 9 19:32:05 UTC 2003
--- Harvey Newstrom <mail at harveynewstrom.com> wrote:
> Olga wrote,
> > Subsequent article in CSICOP touched on skeptical views on life
> > extension and global warming:
> >
> > <http://www.csicop.org/doubtandabout/abuses/>
> Excellent article. At first, skepticism was a scientific tool used
> to critically analyze assumptions and verify facts. Now we have
> copycats who are acting like skeptics to give their unfounded
> beliefs an air of scientific authority. As the article notes,
> people who are "skeptical"about evolution or global warming are
> merely pretending to be skeptics without the underlying science.
I am sorry, Harvey, but global warming does not deserve to be included
in this. The author makes a ludicrous claim that we should not be
skeptical about something that is allegedly happening right now.
Bullshit. UFO adherents claim that we are being invaded and abducted
right now. So freakin what? Does that mean we should not be skeptical
of the scientific investigations of psychologists into the memories of
abductees? Hell no. Does it mean we should not be skeptical about the
laboratory results of samples taken from alleged landing/crash sites?
Hell no.
Global warming? What global warming? I've got two feet of snow in my
front yard and winter hasn't even officially STARTED yet. You think I'm
unduly skeptical about the claims ONLY of scientists who have a
socialist agenda? Do you think I am unduly skeptical when scientists
who developed much of the base data the UN makes its claims on say that
their data is not being properly used or interpreted by the UN??? Do
you think I am unduly skeptical when my own cousin, a published
scientist with degrees from BU and UMO, and who is doing his doctorate
at the University of Aukland, and who happens to actually BE a
climatologist, says that most of the claims of global warming
proponents are absolute bullshit, and the rest are not anthropogenic in
Given the immense cost of completely changing our entire economic and
governmental structures that is being demanded by global warming
proponents, we need to be EXTREMELY skeptical of the claims of these people.
Mike Lorrey
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