[extropy-chat] The end of Exilist in sight?
Adrian Tymes
wingcat at pacbell.net
Wed Dec 10 19:21:48 UTC 2003
--- Rafal Smigrodzki <rafal at smigrodzki.org> wrote:
> Recently the TCS described antispam legislation
> (CANSPAM, due to be signed
> by the president soon) which would impose a 1000 $
> fine for every
> unsolicited email received.
> Does it imply that just a few disgruntled Exi list
> users could destroy
> financially the ExI, if they were able to prove that
> posts forwarded by ExI
> were received against their wishes? Does the ExI
> have a sufficiently
> reliable procedure to establish and terminate a
> relationship with a member
> to prevent such legal attacks?
It's a well-established facet of email lists that, if
you don't want to be on the list, there are clear and
trustworthy ways of unsubscribing. (The lack of
trustworthy methods - specifically, even if they
offer "unsubscription" services, they smell of traps
to confirm your email so as to resell it at higher
value as a known live address - is one of the
distinguishing facets of spammers. Part of the
smell is the exclusively commercial aspect of their
messages...and this list's messages are not
exclusively commercial.)
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