[extropy-chat] Doubt and About
Mike Lorrey
mlorrey at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 10 21:25:51 UTC 2003
--- Harvey Newstrom <mail at harveynewstrom.com> wrote:
> Mike Lorrey wrote,
> > Unfortunately, it does not seem that the truth is with you
> > today. We now have a smoking gun that proves the
> > non-anthropic origins of global
> > warming:
> > http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/mars_ice-age_031208.html
> I agree with you 100%. I am beginning to suspect that solar changes
> are causing solar-system-wide warming. You seem intent on proving
> that humans aren't to blame, while I am intent on proving that
> global warming is occurring. Both of us can be right without
> contradiction.
> I will gladly agree that global warming will occur whether humans are
> to blame or not. Do you now agree that global warming is actually
> occurring and that we have to deal with the consequences of it?
> Can we now accept this fact and start figuring out what to do as the
> ice slowly melts, oceans slowly rise, agricultural zones slowly
> shift, and coastlines slowly cover our coastal cities?
I have not denied that there is some global warming occuring. I have
repeatedly stated that evidence shows that humans are not in any way a
significant culprit. The fact that those on the left insist on
continuing to ignore the evidence and insist humans are to blame, and
that this dovetails nicely with their socialist political agenday,
implicates the intellectual honesty of their position.
I also have to look at the trends in climate simulation. It seems like
every new generation of climate simulation software results in ever
smaller degrees of warming being predicted for the future. Where the
alarms about ice cap collapse in 30 years were the norm among the
chicken littles a decade ago, today the best predictions are saying 6
degrees C increase in the next century, when my cousins work in
Antarctica proved that the last time the continent was free of ice,
global temps were 15 degrees higher, and THAT was when the continent
still had a land bridge to south america and there was no circumpolar
wind or water currents causing thermal isolation.
Given the time scales the best predictions are showing today, and the
trend in them, I am not too concerned about doing anything about
nonanthropic global warming for at least another decade. There seem to
be some natural corrections occuring, namely the rising amount of
precipitation in the Caspian Sea basin raising water levels there, as
well as a thermal hole that opens up in the central pacific with
It remains to be seen whether we really have anything to worry about.
There is no sea level rise outside of the Caspian Basin that is
occuring outside of tectonic subsidence lowering of land masses.
By the time we really know what is going on, we will have the
technology and the money to really do something about it.
Mike Lorrey
"Live Free or Die, Death is not the Worst of Evils."
- Gen. John Stark
"Fascists are objectively pro-pacifist..."
- Mike Lorrey
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