[extropy-chat] FWD (PvT) Re: Chart of Clipperton

Terry W. Colvin fortean1 at mindspring.com
Thu Dec 11 02:51:57 UTC 2003

I'd suggest that you send email to The Clipperton DX Club, at
< cdxc at free.fr >.  They're French, and have an interest in the island, as
is obvious.  Someone there might help.

73, doug

   Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2003 18:54:28 -0700
   From: "Terry W. Colvin" <fortean1 at mindspring.com>

   Hello Doug,

   I'm not sure what Mike Lorrey needs beyond the hydrographic data.

   Here is his latest explanation of his needs:

   "Scale 1:500,000 
   Producer Military Topographic Directorate of the General Staff 
   Vintage 1980-1981 
   Projection Gauss-Kruger 
   Language Russian 
   Size 3x2 degrees 
   Contours 50 meters 
   Status Available Immediately in raster or paper format 
   Sheet Count 1 
   Base price (Paper) $79.00  per sheet  

   This is a low resolution contour map that does not provide any
   hydrometric topography. Saw it already, doesn't suit my needs.

   > Some links:  http://www.connectedglobe.com/millennium/ip.html

   Found that page a while back. Thanks.

   An ENC database is a file containing both geographic and hydrographic
   topological data, depth soundings, and other GIS data that conforms to
   the International Geophysical S-57 standard. The US has been creating
   such charts for all of its territorial waters and posessions, even
   uninhabited Navassa Island has been digitally charted. Other major
   nations are supposed to be doing the same thing with their own
   posessions and waters, which I why I want someone literate in French to
   find such a chart on French government servers that is available to the

   Mike Lorrey"

   AP-preciate your help.


   To: Forteana /Alternate Orphan/ <forteana at yahoogroups.com>,
       "skeptic at listproc.hcf.jhu.edu" <skeptic at listproc.hcf.jhu.edu>,
       "TLC [UNofficial]" <tlc-brotherhood at nexus.net>

   Doug Faunt N6TQS +1-510-655-8604 wrote:
   > Hi Terry,
   > Must it be an electronic chart?  I think I've got one around here from
   > my trip there a few years ago.  And I know others who may, also.
   > 73, doug
   > To: MARHST-L at post.queensu.ca
   > Date:    Mon, 8 Dec 2003 22:20:25 -0800
   > From:    Scott Peterson
   > Subject: Looking for a chart of Clipperton island.
   > This came from someone on another list I'm on.  Would anyone here know
   > where he could find the chart he's looking for?
   > You can respond to "Terry W. Colvin" <fortean1 at mindspring.com>
   > >I am trying to get a good navigational chart of Clipperton Island (a
   > >French posession) in the eastern Pacific and would like to find an ENC
   > >database (Electronic Navigational Chart) that conforms to the
   > >international S-57 standard. As it seems that each nation takes care of
   > >its own navigational chart distribution, I was hoping someone who is
   > >French, or French literate, could locate such a chart database for me
   > >somewhere on the French government internet sites. Finding such a file
   > >without knowing the lingo is a bit tough.... so much for my three years
   > >of French in high school...
   > Thanks for your help.
   >                                         Scott Peterson

“Only a zit on the wart on the heinie of progress.” Copyright 1992, Frank Rice

Terry W. Colvin, Sierra Vista, Arizona (USA) < fortean1 at mindspring.com >
     Alternate: < fortean1 at msn.com >
Home Page: < http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Stargate/8958/index.html >
Sites: * Fortean Times * Mystic's Haven * TLCB *
      U.S. Message Text Formatting (USMTF) Program
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   TLCB Web Site: < http://www.tlc-brotherhood.org >[Vietnam veterans,
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