[extropy-chat] POL(L): The Constitution of Europe

JDP jacques at dtext.com
Sat Dec 13 21:56:34 UTC 2003

Dirk Bruere wrote:

> From: <scerir at libero.it>
>>It seems to me obvious that you cannot
>>build a federation of (6, then 15, then 25)
>>very different states, having very different
>>histories (and reciprocal wars), populations,
>>religions, etc., starting  from the economy
>>and markets, Political issues come first .
>>The EU founding fathers knew that very well.
> On the contrary.
> What we definately don't need is a poor copy of the US with its centralised
> federal govt, which is what the EU is/was aiming for.

Do/did we need a formal Europe at all? Are European Extropes pro-Europe? 


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