[extropy-chat] Re: sole superpower/warfare 2003-2010 comments
Robin Hanson
rhanson at gmu.edu
Sat Dec 13 23:31:52 UTC 2003
On 12/13/2003 Robert Bradbury wrote:
>Though as I recall the way you have to build a cable
>to GSO is you have to start with the materials in GSO
>and run the cable toward the planet and a balancing
>cable away from the planet at the same time. I think
>its going to require a *lot* of Delta 4's to get that
>much nanotube cable up to GSO.
Right, but the first cable you lift doesn't need to be
thick enough to lift anything but more cable parts.
The first thin cable lifts more cable parts, which then
makes a thicker cable, which can lift larger cable parts,
and so on.
Robin Hanson rhanson at gmu.edu http://hanson.gmu.edu
Assistant Professor of Economics, George Mason University
MSN 1D3, Carow Hall, Fairfax VA 22030-4444
703-993-2326 FAX: 703-993-2323
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