[extropy-chat] BIO: Stem Cells and bio-magic
Harvey Newstrom
mail at HarveyNewstrom.com
Sun Dec 14 00:50:34 UTC 2003
Brett Paatsch wrote,
> Seriously Harvey, I think the most proactive thing you could do
> if you *want* to do something would be to take up Natasha's
> offer and work on helping to identify goals. That's important. Your
> reasoning is sound on identifying goals and I think your
> input would be valuable. I wish I was able to get to the US
> more easily.
I would be glad to help identify Extropian goals.
People may not remember that I:
- Was the first paid member of the Extropians List in the last 1980's
- Presented at Extro-5
- Helped develop the idea for Pro-Act
- Served on the ExI Board in 2001
- Created the Extropian FAQ
- Created the ExI-Community group on Yahoo
- Offered to create a Node-Net forum on Computer Security
- Offered to be an Advisor to ExI
- Offered to be a Moderator for the Extropians List
- and have been involved with numerous other projects here and there over
the years
I have tried to get involved with ExI activities. Sadly, most of them sort
of withered away without any real progress. I do not mean to sound negative
here, but I think we can do better in the future than we have in the past.
I think organization and clear-cut goals is the key. It sounds like Natasha
is already leading ExI to examine goals and focus on priorities. I wish
them the best of luck and would gladly participate in helping out any way I
I am still willing to:
- become a moderator on this list
- become an ExI advisor
- resume coordination of the ExI-Community forum
- resume my role as editor of the Extropian FAQ
- resume work on Pro-Act or activism activities
- become a Node-Net leader in a security oriented forum
- become a Node-Net leader in a nutrition oriented forum
- develop articles or presentations
- brainstorm ideas individually or in a group
- review other people's work for further development suggestions
- etc.
This week I have been working on:
- being interviewed for a Mexican magazine article on the future of security
- presenting business drivers for security in seminars
- writing an article for the Immortality Institute book project
- preparing for a chat for the Immortality Institute
- reviewing a WTA survey before it goes out
- brainstorming my own version of a nutritional food-groups chart for a
longevity diet
- and a whole bunch of personal goals for improving my life, my business,
and my future
I know a lot of people have been perceiving my recent discussions as being
negative. I'm sorry about that, and should probably learn to present them
in a more positive way. However, I am currently focused on prioritizing my
goals, figuring out where my activities have been suboptimal in the past,
and brainstorming how to be come more effective and successful in the
future. Pointing out all the flaws in previous and current activities is
NOT being negative. It is the first step in assessing our current position
and making it better in the future.
Certified IS Security Pro, Certified IS Auditor, Certified InfoSec Manager,
NSA Certified Assessor, IBM Certified Consultant, SANS Certified GIAC
<HarveyNewstrom.com> <Newstaff.com>
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