[extropy-chat] NEWS: They got him!
Kevin Freels
kevinfreels at hotmail.com
Mon Dec 15 04:04:41 UTC 2003
I wonder why they didn't hide the capture until closer to next year's
Oh, maybe that's why they haven't found Osama. :-)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Lorrey" <mlorrey at yahoo.com>
To: "ExI chat list" <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>
Sent: Sunday, December 14, 2003 2:23 PM
Subject: Re: [extropy-chat] NEWS: They got him!
> --- Charlie Stross <charlie at antipope.org> wrote:
> >
> > On 14 Dec 2003, at 13:26, Technotranscendence wrote:
> >
> > > I can say something that seems obvious. The way he was found and
> > the
> > > fact that he was not surrounded by loyalists and supporters seems
> > to
> > > mean he was playing only a small role if any in the resistance to
> > the
> > > occupation. This, of course, doesn't mean it's not a psychological
> > > victory, but I don't think the guerillas are going to roll over and
> > > play dead now.
> >
> > Agreed, and more: I suspect fear of Saddam getting back into power
> > somehow was a *restraining influence* on the resistance, especially
> > among the shi'ites. Now that he's definitively out of play, it's
> > possible the guerilla attacks will get *worst* (because there's no
> > longer any chance of him somehow re-establishing his dictatorship).
> >
> I think he was hiding in the spider hole only because of the ongoing
> offensive in the immediate area of Tikrit. A large part of the feeling
> of US illigitimacy among Iraqis was specifically because we hadn't
> caught Saddam. Now that we have him, there may be some remaining
> resistance, but they have lost legitimacy I think even with their own.
> THere will be some who claim the guy they caught was not Saddam and was
> one of his impersonators, like there are those who still cling to the
> belief that TWA 800 was shot down by a missile, but will be
> increasingly marginalized.
> I had predicted in spring of this year, after other predictions came
> true, that gas prices would fall to around $10/bbl following a slow
> rise to high levels as the US consolidated its hold. Their
> consolidation has taken longer than I expected, due in part to Saddams
> eluding capture, but also because other oil producing nations are
> assisting in the sabotage of Iraqi production reconstruction. Prices
> are now $33/bbl and are expected to immediately drop by $.50 monday.
> Any significant drop to the levels I predicted will require that an
> Iraqi government resume sovereignty and that sabotage of oil facilities
> cease.
> Odds of these two things happening have improved considerably now that
> Saddam is captured. I don't think that this will prevent other nations
> from attempting to continue the sabotage.
> =====
> Mike Lorrey
> "Live Free or Die, Death is not the Worst of Evils."
> - Gen. John Stark
> "Fascists are objectively pro-pacifist..."
> - Mike Lorrey
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