[extropy-chat] glo-fish
spike66 at comcast.net
Tue Dec 16 04:01:57 UTC 2003
> > --- Spike <spike66 at comcast.net> wrote
> > > Schuchat commented:
> > >
> > > "For me it's a question of values, it's not a question of
> > > science," said commissioner Sam Schuchat. "I think selling
> > > genetically modified fish as pets is wrong."
What if you bought a bunch of these, bred them in
your home aquarium, then released or sold the offspring?
Could you claim that they were not genetically
engineered? I don't see why not: they were, after
all, conceived and born the old-fashioned way. Of
course, their parents may have been a bit unusual...
If these glo-fish can be procluded from sale, then
they must be considered a unique species. So if
some of these escaped into the wild, could not
one argue that this is a rare and endangered species?
And therefore all building within 10 miles must halt
forthwith. Merely point to the building project you
would like to see stopped.
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