[extropy-chat] ASTRO: missing dark energy...
Samantha Atkins
samantha at objectent.com
Thu Dec 18 20:46:59 UTC 2003
Hmmm. Any chance dark matter/energy is something artificial created by and inhabited by those missing post-Singularity civilizations? It is a far-fetched explanation of why there appears to be less of it in the young universe.
- s
On Tue, 16 Dec 2003 16:14:15 -0800 (PST)
"Robert J. Bradbury" <bradbury at aeiveos.com> wrote:
> Science Daily is commenting on how new results from the
> XMM-Newton suggest there may not be as much Dark Energy
> in the Universe as astronomers would currently like there
> to be... (ooops...).
> Has European Space Agency's XMM-Newton Cast Doubt Over Dark Energy?
> http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2003/12/031216075428.htm
> (Wasn't it so much easier when the answer was green cheese???)
> R.
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