[extropy-chat] Paul Allen to be fourth Space Power
Adrian Tymes
wingcat at pacbell.net
Fri Dec 19 19:30:57 UTC 2003
--- Mike Lorrey <mlorrey at yahoo.com> wrote:
> If Scaled succeeds in winning the x-prize,
> this will make Paul
> Allen the fourth economic power in the world to gain
> independent manned
> space launch capability.
That's going a bit far, until Scaled can achieve
orbit or escape velocity. A sounding rocket does not
a space launch vehicle make.
> IMHO this absolves
> Microsoft of all, or maybe
> just most, of all the evil things it has done...
I disagree. Paul got out of Microsoft before it
became evil. (There's a good reason it was able to
achieve the dominance which corrupted it.)
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