[extropy-chat] ENOUGH already

Mike Lorrey mlorrey at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 22 17:07:17 UTC 2003

It has come to my attention that both myself and the list moderator,
Spike, exceeded posting limits yesterday in our sjbrain discussions. My
violation was due to accidental double posting of a few posts. Given
that certain snoots are making an issue about it (individuals who got
annoyed about my recent rant about extropic inaction in the face of
luddism, no doubt), I will invite list members who want to discuss
extropic issues in depth, without limitations on topic or number of
posts, to continue extended conversations on the extro-freedom list on

Title :  Extropians - Freedom  
Description :  All Extropy, All the Time, til the Singularity. No
posting limits, no censorship outside of limiting fraudulent statements
and personal attacks (by the judgement of the ownership and
management), no topics off-limits, no political correctness.

NOTE: This list is not operated by or approved by the Extropy

Extro-freedom was once known as Exi-freedom, but it's name has been
changed as a result of a polite request by Max that I do so. Strongarm
tactics annoy me, politeness I reward. See how easy it is?

Mike Lorrey
"Live Free or Die, Death is not the Worst of Evils."
                                       - Gen. John Stark
"Fascists are objectively pro-pacifist..."
                                       - Mike Lorrey
Do not label me, I am an ism of one...
Sado-Mikeyism: http://mikeysoft.zblogger.com

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