[extropy-chat] ENOUGH already

Charlie Stross charlie at antipope.org
Thu Dec 25 14:59:14 UTC 2003

On 25 Dec 2003, at 14:45, Mike Lorrey wrote:

> --- Charlie Stross <charlie at antipope.org> wrote:
>> -- Charlie (who is *NOT* American, and who lives in a country 
>>   that has been bombed within living memory, and who has lived
>>   through a terrorist insurgency that killed five or six times
>>   as many people, as a proportion of total population, as 9/11)
> Ironic twist: Just as Charlie gets done lecturing how dead is dead and
> extropic ends don't matter to the dead, it doesn't matter how many died
> from communism if only the right people had worn condoms,,,,etc etc....
> he engages in a game of "my dead are bigger than your dead"....

I will confess I was getting a bit too annoyed at the armchair warriors 
to keep my cool.

Sure the big budget military gets to play with lots of cool high-tech 
but in the final analysis death is *everyone's* enemy, and as 
extropians we should be seeking to avoid it wherever possible!

-- Charlie

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