[extropy-chat] The world as a Sim ? Irrelevant

Samantha Atkins samantha at objectent.com
Thu Nov 6 19:13:33 UTC 2003

On Wednesday 05 November 2003 18:33, Brett Paatsch wrote:
> >  The question is whether almost all of you are
> > simulated, or almost all of you are real.
> I know I'm real.  Do you know you are real?

The wording itself is suspect.   Reality is relative to and includes context.  
Within the sim you are and experience yourself precisely as being just as 
real as if you are outside a sim.  Why is the original running of universe as 
we know it more privileged than a fully virtual running of an equally complex 
universe with just as many (perhaps more) degrees of freedom?  Or, if you 
like, why is meat space forever priviliged over any and all virtual spaces no 
matter how much more accomodating to everything we hold most dear that any 
such space could be?

- samantha

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