[extropy-chat] suggestions sought: immortality book

Reason reason at exratio.com
Sat Nov 8 22:23:42 UTC 2003

A group of us at the Immortality Institute (http://www.imminst.org) are
putting together a small book for publication early next year (tentatively
titled "Practical Immortality") - basically advocacy, healthy life
extension, defeating aging, plus singularitarianism/transhumanism with
shades of the first half of Physics of Immortality (Tipler), constructed
from existing writings. I'm pulling together a list of articles/papers for
suggested inclusion, plus a list of people to solicit for short original

I have all the usual suspects listed so far, but I'd be interested to hear
your suggestions on known writers, journalists and people in the
transhumanist community. Who do you think would be good to include in such a
book, or is there a meaningful piece of work out there that I haven't seen

If you have criticisms, frame in the form of suggestions for inclusion,
please :)


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