[extropy-chat] Help! with reading image-based PDFs on a Palm
emlynoregan at gmail.com
Sat Aug 14 05:38:29 UTC 2004
Hi all,
A quick technical query, this strikes me as the kind of issue people
on the list may have hit...
My wife is studying her Masters by distance, and it includes lots of
readings downloadable as PDFs. She's got a nice Palm PDA, so the goal
is to shoehorn these things onto the palm.
This should be simple, except the PDFs have been built by scanning
books; it's the modern equivalent of the reading brick. So on the
palm, these come out as full page images squeezed onto the tiny
screen, ie: they are illegible.
Does anyone have a solution to this? Is there a way to ocr these pdfs?
I've looked online and come up empty handed (except for some extremely
expensive software at this terrible website:
Or is there a way to "zoom" the view on the acrobat pdf reader for
palm, or maybe an alternate reader that will do this? Most of the text
is in thin columns, so zooming might be tolerable.
Thanks in advance!
btw, did anyone notice that The A-Team have finally been exhonerated?
It's about time! Shame about Hannibal though.
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