[extropy-chat] and the nano/holo fun goes on...
Dan Clemmensen
dgc at cox.net
Sun Aug 15 03:55:15 UTC 2004
We joke about this, but the reality is different.
At some point during the last ten years, most of us crossed a threshold.
Prior to the threshold, We did not have enough disk space or processing
power. We spent as much money on a computer as our comfort level
allowed, and it was not enough. Now, for most of us we have enough. When
is the last time you checked the percentage of usage of your disk? when
is the last time you thought "gee this operation is taking too long."
(not counting problems with viruses and malware.) Think back ten years.
One of the big deals then was figuring out which disk compression
software to use.
Most broadband providers have a cap at 2GB/month. A 1TB disk will hold
more than 2 years of downloads, at a current cost of about $1000. ($500
for the disks and $500 for the computer to hold the disks.) A 100TB disk
would hold 200 years of downloads at today's rates.
Assuming no monthly cap, look at it another way. An individual can
probably assimilate <1Mbps for < 8hours/day (average.) that's
(1Mb/8)*3600*8, or 3.6GB/day. That's 1TB/mo, or 100TB in 8 years.
Emlyn wrote:
>Excellent! A couple of those might be able to hold a few weeks of my
>mailing list and rss feed subscriptions.
>On Sat, 14 Aug 2004 17:47:39 -0500, Damien Broderick
><thespike at satx.rr.com> wrote:
>>Breakthrough Nanotechnology Will Bring 100 Terabyte 3.5-inch Digital Data
>>Storage Disks
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