[extropy-chat] SUV's are killing their drivers.
Everitt Mickey
evmick at earthlink.net
Thu Aug 19 01:09:46 UTC 2004
BillK apparently said.
>Why should we care whether in certain specific circumstances an SUV
> might be preferred? The road death figures show that SUVs are killing
> their drivers in increasing numbers.
You know?....this kind of non logic really ticks me off.
Real extropians oughta know better.
Since WHEN can an inantimate object display any type of violition? Do guns kill people? Do trucks kill people? Does aspirin kill people? Does TV kill people? Is it a great conspiricay of the inantimate to kill off humans? NO....in actuality stupid people kill themselves (which in the long run is a good thing)and others...(which is a bad thing) ....but by ascribing this logic to their actions they are releived of guilt...yeaa!...verily my brothers and cistern....gain martryr status......holy victimhood.... and are free to go about killing more people.
Worse....this type of thinking gives the (can't think of a sufficiently bad descriptive adjective....<bleeding hearts?...no.....liberals?...No....<@#$%&*>....yeah...but inappropriate to the venue) ......er......"people-who-know-what's-best-for-everyone-else" ammunition so that they can make MORE AND More and more and more RULES.
To my way of thinking this attitude is similar if not identical to that of the Bad guys of 911 fame. After all THEY know god's will....they....<urp>
Etc. etc. etc....yammer yammer yammer.....
This really gets my goat. <throwing cap on ground....jumping up and down onit.>
Evmick....in the wastes of New Mexico....where "killer dust storms...and killer sun....and Killer...."
"Against stupidity....the gods themselves contend in vain"
"For centuries engineers have been trying to foolproof technology.....so far the fools are winning"
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