[extropy-chat] Copycat Copycat

Joseph Bloch jbloch at humanenhancement.com
Fri Dec 24 01:22:58 UTC 2004

Mike Lorrey wrote:

>Real cloning doesn't work that way, a clone is
>nothing more than a twin sibling, and people need to learn that truth.
>Pet cloning is a great entree to teach that lesson to society, as pet
>owners come to understand that their pet clone is not the same as their
>original pet.
One of the things I do to make that point is to point out that a clone 
is a "delayed twin". Once they grasp the fact that the technology isn't 
much more than the already-accepted (by everyone whose name doesn't 
begin with a "K" and end with "ass") technology of IVF, combined with 
the quite natural phenomenon of twins, they don't seem to be quite so 
hostile. Not that they embrace it, but they don't think it's a 


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