[extropy-chat] Copycat Copycat

Dirk Bruere dirk at neopax.com
Fri Dec 24 03:58:22 UTC 2004

spike wrote:

>Subject: RE: [extropy-chat] Copycat Copycat
>>>Keep in mind that when people do things like this,
>>>the money isn't actually *destroyed* but rather it
>>>merely changes hands.  In this case, that transaction
>>>is one I would welcome.
>>Precisely. :) And as someone else mentioned (Mike Lorrey?) this
>>$50,000 will (much of it, probably)  be put to good use improving the
>We both understate the case.  If cloning becomes a cottage
>industry (and why not?  How much bulky equipment would be
>needed?) then the practioners might put into place some
>critical puzzle pieces that may some day help the medics
>take a few stem cells from our flab, clone it to make
>arbitrarily many, then use those to generate replacement
>organs which will not have all those pesky autoimmune
>system and ethical issues attached, for it was never anything
>other than our own stem cells.  Future historians may trace 
>the greatest breakthroughs in medical science to people
>wanting to clone their favorite pets.
IIRC the Schwartzenegger film 'Seventh Day' had a company called 'Re-pet'.


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