[extropy-chat] GWOT: Out of focus

Mike Lorrey mlorrey at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 15 22:50:59 UTC 2004

--- Russell Evermore <nanowave at shaw.ca> wrote:
> > > Interesting, so a child who believes a magical fat man with a
> white
> > > beard drops down a chimney every Dec.24 is following a religion
> by
> > > this definition.
> >
> > Yes. For as long as the children believe. (Major)
> >
> > > Why use words at all if they are going to be watered
> > > down to absurdity.
> >
> > I don't see any absurdity. Neither do the Seventh Day Adventists
> and
> > others who see Santa as heresy.
> Ok, let's say I agree with you on this. So I grant Wahhabism (a
> terrorist cult which fosters virulent anti-Americanism and luddism)
> the "lofty" status of religion. In embattled America, The Bill of
> Rights guarantees "freedom of religion" ergo in order to fight
> violent
> anti-Americanism and luddism I must first fight The Bill of Rights!
> Perhaps that should/could be done, I don't know, but I suspect the
> clock has long since run out on that particular option.

John Adams said something about the Constitution being wholly
inappropriate for a society which is not otherwise governed by a more
or less consistent morality.

Wahhabism is against Constitutional liberties, and using violence to
eliminate them. Because it does not advocate change within the self
described instruments of change in the Constitution, it cannot be
considered a 'freedom' that can be allowed.

The Bill of Rights does NOT promise freedom of religion. It only says
that the government shall not endorse one specific religion to the
detriment of others.

Religion is specifically in regards to the spiritual plane. It has no
place in government. Any religion which attempts to change that
Contitution by other than Constitutional means is an enemy of the
Constitution, and it is therefore your RESPONSIBILITY under the
constitution, as a citizen, to fight that religion.

Mike Lorrey
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