[extropy-chat] Near Death Experiences: a scientific approach

Acy James Stapp astapp at fizzfactorgames.com
Wed Feb 18 22:40:15 UTC 2004

I think it's generally recognized that near-death experiences are a
of blockade of the NMDA receptor complex. Dissociative anesthetics and
such as Ketamine, PCP, and high-dose dextromethorphan can produce
more or less like a NDE.

See http://www.ecstasy.org/info/kket4.html for a survey
and google http://www.google.com/search?q=near-death+nmda


[ -----Original Message-----
[ From: extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org 
[ [mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org] On Behalf Of Johnius
[ Sent: Wednesday, 18 February, 2004 00:22
[ To: ExI chat list
[ Subject: [extropy-chat] Near Death Experiences: a scientific approach
[ Hi all,
[   A friend of mine pointed me towards some work that seems
[ to support the notion of separability of 'mind' and 'body'
[ or brain (e.g., near-death experience, mind-life-after-death).
[ I personally don't buy it--I think that 'mind' is what brains
[ do, but maybe there's something here that non-dualists need 
[ to answer?

  My friend wrote:
"he addresses most if not all the objections given against 
NDEs being produced outside of the brain. [...]
scientific analysis of whether life and consciousness go on 
after death might just settle that question.

What do the extropians think of this separation of mind and
body? It would certainly affect their 'uploading' idea."

  Further work might be found by searching on 
"Peter Fenwick" and "Sam Parnia" ... but beware that many
of the hits will probably be on certifiable crackpots...

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