[extropy-chat] ImmInst Update
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Sun Feb 22 20:22:50 UTC 2004
Immortality Institute ~ For Infinite Lifespans
Mission: end the blight of involuntary death
Action Item: Cryonics Regulatory Attack
Arizona legislation is being considered that could
limit Alcor's effectiveness as a cryonics facility.
Action needed by Thursday Feb 26.
Chat: Women for the Right to Choose Longer Life
Infinite Females converge in a chat to discuss Extropy
Institute's VP Summit topic: President Bush's Bioethics
Council report, Beyond Therapy.
Chat Time: Sunday Feb 22 @ 6 PM EST
Chat: Robotics, AI, and Immortality
French engineer, Jean Roch (nefastor) joins ImmInst to
discuss his work on artificial neurons and full-body prosthetics
as a pathway to physical immortality.
Chat Time: Sunday Feb 22 @ 8 PM EST
Article: If Uploads Come First: The Crack of a Future Dawn
Assistant professor of economics at George Mason
University, Robin Hanson advises on how to prepare
for uploading of human consciousness to artificial substrates.
Article: Philosophy of Life & Optimism
Russian author, Igor Vladimirovich Vishev, who introduced the
concept of "immortology" (science of immortality) as well as
"homo immortalis" (man immortal) into scientific use, celebrates
the 100-year anniversary of the death of intrepid Russian
immortalist philosopher, Nikolai Fedorovich Fedorov.
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