[extropy-chat] fermi's paradox: m/d approach

Robert J. Bradbury bradbury at aeiveos.com
Fri Jan 2 11:34:49 UTC 2004

On Thu, 1 Jan 2004, Damien Broderick responding to my comments wrote:

> Hey, that mass was somebody's mother!

Perhaps.  But only if advanced civilizations inhabit stars that
turn into supernovas or if the civilization developed early enough
that the mass has been recycled in some way.  If it has been
recycled that implies that they either didn't hit the singularity
before a civilization destroying event (GRBs, SN, etc.) or they
evolved themselves into a form where matter was not important.

Spike's M/D perspective leaves out computronium where there
are very high fractions of electrons, positrons, neutrinos
or photons.

Didn't Moravec speculate at some point on matter composed
of muons?  Just because there may be some limits now doesn't
mean that in the future one will not be able to construct
essential computer elements faster than they decay.
(Though I'll admit that seems like a long shot.)


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