[extropy-chat] Re: Fraud

David Lubkin extropy at unreasonable.com
Sun Jan 11 19:15:10 UTC 2004

I wrote:

>In the software industry, good engineers are often faced with stated job 
>requirements that they don't meet but that aren't actually needed for the 
>job. They exaggerate their experience to get the job, believing they know 
>better than the HR department or hiring manager.

as an example of a possible violation of the NCP. Mike responded:

>If an ignorant HR weenie publishes job requirements that are fraudlent,
>how is responding with a fraudulent resume an initiation of force?

I didn't say the requirements were fraudulent. I was referring to 
situations where the req specifies a job requirement out of ignorance or 
unnecessary cautiousness.

For example, M years of experience with technology Y are specified when N, 
where N < M, would have been enough. Or where there are similar 
technologies W and Z, that any engineer would feel provide experience that 
is equivalent to the specific Y.

In some cases, the ignorance of the hiring manager or HR department is 
indisputable, as when they require M years of experience with technology Y, 
and Y has not existed that long.

No one can fault an applicant for making the case that while their 
experience doesn't meet the letter of the requirements, it is pertinent. 
But you have to make it past HR, headhunters, or keyword-screening software 
to get to someone with the knowledge to assess your claims.

And maybe the hiring manager is a bozo, but you *know* you can do the job.

So many people will fraudulently present their qualifications, either 
indifferent to the ethics or out of a conviction that they really *can* do 
the job and the means of acquiring it are justified.

For that matter, the oldest scam in the books -- found in many species -- 
is puffing yourself to attract a mate. Sometimes the intent is fraudulent 
through-and-through (I lie in a singles bar to get laid). Sometimes it's 
what we're talking about -- intended for the greater good (I lie about or 
withhold fact W until you care about me).

Indeed, is there a difference other than degree between sucking in your gut 
when a beauty walks by and the asserted misrepresentation of evidence to 
justify invading Iraq?

-- David Lubkin.

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