[extropy-chat] Europanto

Spike spike66 at comcast.net
Tue Jan 13 04:41:26 UTC 2004

> Harvey Newstrom
> Totally wrong, Spike.  My words are much closer to the 
> original than yours.
> :-)
> > > I trouve diese langue very bella.
> I trowel disease languishing very bellicose...

[Harvey clears up a number of misunderstandings from translations]

{8^D  Thanks Harvey.  {8^D

I thought of an improvement on an earlier notion in which I was
proposing a universally translatable language accomplished
by defining all ambiguous terms.  In that passage, I had
suggested a parallel passage with a clarification of all
multi-definition terms by following these terms with a
colon and a definition delimited by dashes.

A better approach(3) would be to follow(2) each ambiguous 
term(4) with a digit(1) that specifies which definition(2)
is intended(1).  Every term(4) which has more than one
definition(2) in the dictionary would be followed(2)
by this digit(1).  Then the text(2) could be turned(3) 
on(1) or off(1)with a soft(4) button(2), like the soft(4) 
button(2) in the control(1) bar(4) of microsloth word(3) 
that toggles(1) the viewability of non-printed characters(3).
Some multi-definition terms(4), such as "spike"(8) may(1) 
have a large definition(2) digit(1).  Such text(2) would 
be simultaneously universally translatable(2) and readable(1).


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