[extropy-chat] Game theory of common cold

Mike Lorrey mlorrey at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 18 14:53:38 UTC 2004

--- Anders Sandberg <asa at nada.kth.se> wrote:
> I *hope* I have finished this, so I can do the real work I
> desperately
> need to do. But it has been too fun modelling the game theoretical
> aspects
> of the common cold:
> http://www.aleph.se/andart/archives/2004/01/cold_game_theory.html
> One conclusion is that discounts on school fees for parents who keep
> sick children home might have a huge effect on health across society.

How about just keep all kids home and homeschool. What would be the
public health benefits of universal home schooling? How many adult work
days would be saved (i.e. increasing economic productivity) by
universal home schooling?

Mike Lorrey
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