EDU: Public Schools (Was: Re: [extropy-chat] Game theoryofcommoncold)

Samantha Atkins samantha at
Tue Jan 20 22:39:44 UTC 2004

On Tue, 20 Jan 2004 02:40:13 -0500
"Harvey Newstrom" <mail at> wrote:

> Samantha Atkins wrote,
> > > As far as I am concerned, I am taking money from the community rather 
> > > than the community taking money from me.  I don't mind giving a little 
> > > of it back.
> > 
> > I was under the (perhaps mistaken) impression that your life, 
> > career, works, example, spending and creating (non-exhaustive 
> > list) already give back amply to your community and beyond it.
> You are not mistaken.  We are very active in volunteer work and spend huge
> amounts on various charities we support.  This attitude is only possible
> because we believe in our community and in helping others.  If I were a
> bitter old Libertarian clutching my gun and grumping about all taxes being
> theft, I would be so busy wallowing in my self-pity and victim mentality
> that I would not give back anything to anyone.  It is this very fact that I
> have been blessed in my life that empowers me to help others.  If I really
> felt that I had to claw and scratch out every single penny with no help from
> anyone, seeing the government and social institutions as enemies, I would
> bury all my money in the back yard and never help anyone.

I draw a large distinction between voluntary charity and involuntary charity imposed by a government.  I believe very much in giving back in whatever form it takes (and am known for generositiy in that regard fwiw) but I do not believe and never will believe in forced taking and giving to others.  Please do not give in to the temptation to slam libertarians just because you do not happen to be one.  There is in fact VERY ample reason not to trust government and this government in particular that hasn't a damn thing to do with "self-pity" or "victim mentality".  I am quite dismayed that you would jump into this mode of ranting so easily.   I am also dismayed by a seeming unwillingness to grant that there are is a whole spectrum of attitudes and practice out there between you and your "bitter old Libertarian".  

- samantha

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