[extropy-chat] Brian Alexander shooting fish in a barrel

Adrian Tymes wingcat at pacbell.net
Sat Jan 24 05:43:32 UTC 2004

--- Spike <spike66 at comcast.net> wrote:
> Some of this comment is true-ish.  It isn't clear to
> me
> why space-cadet names, Neitzschean pronouncements,
> metabrains
> and ultrahumans should make other people
> uncomfortable.  Perhaps
> that is just his point: I, an extropian, don't see
> why this kinda
> stuff should make people uncomfortable.  Someone
> please spell
> out for me why the squick factor on all this.  

Because of the always implied, "...and I, who must (by
unstated, unchallenged assumption) remain ever as I am
today or decay, will necessarily be left far behind
these highly improved creations.  If and when they do
come about, my life will automatically suck by

Of course, you and I know that stasis and decay are
not inevitable.  If we did, then by definition, we
would not agree with Extropian philosophy - but we do.
That's part of what's so unintuitive to us about their
squick factor here.

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