[extropy-chat] AI design
Dan Clemmensen
dgc at cox.net
Fri Jun 4 18:02:06 UTC 2004
Acy James Stapp wrote:
>Zero Powers wrote:
>>following its prime directive? And if it should happen to determine
>>(as you seem to think it must) that being nice to humans is an
>>unnecessary waste of its resources, will it not be able to find a
>>work around to the prime directive?
>The general idea is to delay this occurence as much as possible until
>the mass of humanity is capable of defending itself against it.
This is a bad idea. There are potential costs and potential benefits of
a superintelligence, and potential costs and potential benefits of
deferring a superintelligence. If you decide to work to defer the SI,
you are making assumptions about both sets of costs and benefits.
This thread has focused almost exclusively on the worst-case outcome of
creating an SI. I think extropians have a fairly good idea of the
magnitude of potential best-case outcomes, also. However, we've been
neglecting the more mundane cost/benefit analysis of deferral. The
worst-case outcomes of deferral are pretty horrific. It is quite easy to
envision plausible scenarios in which humanity destroys civilization,
humanity, the ecosystem, or the earth, without any SI involvement. there
are also several classes of cosmic catastrophe that can destroy
humanity. A "good" SI could prevent these disasters. So we need to
analyze the relative risks.
Moving back from the worst cases, we pay a huge everyday price by
deferring the SI. If the SI bootstraps a hard-takeoff singularity, or
even if it "just" massively increases productivity, millions of lives
will be saved. Deferring the SI effectively kills those people.
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