[extropy-chat] Petals around the rose

Dan Clemmensen dgc at cox.net
Sat Jun 5 19:46:01 UTC 2004

Spike wrote:

>>Dan Clemmensen
>>Subject: Re: [extropy-chat] Petals around the rose
>>I claim the unbeatable stupidity record... I got it on the first try.
>I claim to tie your record Dan.  I got it on the first try as
>well, evidently for the right reason, for I rolled a few
>more times and always got it right.  {8-]  I agree with
>Damien's suggested rewording of the question however.  spike
Yeah. I formulated a hypothesis and got a correct answer on the first 
try. I continued to use the hypothesis for an additional 5 or six tries, 
and got a correct answer each time. I conclude that my hypothesis was 
valid. I don't think I would have formulated the hypothesis unless I had 
read the posts on this list, but I cannot analyze what cues in the posts 
I used. I had not read Damien's post.

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