[extropy-chat] MOTION: Harvey off the Board
Emlyn ORegan
Emlyn.Oregan at micromet.com.au
Mon Jun 7 05:28:31 UTC 2004
The archives... well, Harvey has said that the archives were modified,
so I feel disinclined to trust them at this stage.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Giu1i0 Pri5c0 [mailto:pgptag at gmail.com]
> Sent: Monday, 7 June 2004 2:52 PM
> To: ExI chat list
> Subject: Re: [extropy-chat] MOTION: Harvey off the Board
> Emlyn, I wish to invite you to gain access to the wta-talk archives by
> subscribing to the list, and see things for yourself. I am sure that,
> if you do so, you may wish to reword some of the things you said based
> on wrong information.
> Concerning most of Harvey's rant, I am prepared to put it down to
> faulty memory and judgment. But regarding the allegation of "selling
> members e-mail to spammers to make money", I wish to invite him to
> either prove it, or shut up and stop wasting our time.
> On Mon, 7 Jun 2004 13:59:52 +0930, Emlyn ORegan
> <emlyn.oregan at micromet.com.au> wrote:
> > Wow. As Harvey's integrity and veracity have always been impeccable
> > AFAIK, I'm prepared to accept this report on face value.
> >
> > This is extraordinary news to me, that an important transhumanist
> > is being run so corruptly. It certainly doesn't do extropians any
> > favours that a group that should be a major ally is being so royally
> > screwed up (and now milked for all it's worth, apparently).
> > that it is James Hughes sets my teeth on edge, given his politics
> > I'm probably one of the more left people on extro-chat).
> >
> > Should we be doing something about this? Is it time for the extro
> > community to join WTA as a block and throw some weight around? Would
> > that do any good?
> >
> > Emlyn
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