[extropy-chat] automated sci-fi program
Alan Eliasen
eliasen at mindspring.com
Wed Jun 9 06:48:50 UTC 2004
Spike wrote:
> A few weeks ago there was a discussion about an automated sci-fi show
> on TV. I didn't pay much attention to it at the time, since I had never
> heard of the program. Last week I saw about 2 minutes of what I think was
> the show. The automation was stunning. Someone said it is available
> on DVD now. Please, what is the name of that program that was
> discussed here several weeks ago?
Please, what means "automated"?
Alan Eliasen | "You cannot reason a person out of a
eliasen at mindspring.com | position he did not reason himself
http://futureboy.homeip.net/ | into in the first place."
| --Jonathan Swift
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