[extropy-chat] Re: Dr. James Hughes responds to Harvey Newstrom
Harvey Newstrom
mail at HarveyNewstrom.com
Wed Jun 9 13:27:21 UTC 2004
starman2100 at cableone.net writes:
> I would hope that should Harvey decide to respond blow by blow it might shed
> even greater light on exactly what happened.
I have already posted the actual board notes to this list with the prefix
WTA-BOARD. People can read for themselves what happened. If the archives
ever get opened to the public as promised, everyone could see it. However,
we already have one case (of the approved minutes) where the archive entry
has been deleted. I am not sure what the archives will contain when they
finally come back on line.
>>selling members e-mail to spammers to make money
> A lie - never happened.
Yes apparently we exchange them for other lists, not money. And the deal I
quoted never actually went through, it was just approved by the board to get
through. But this does not change the fact that the WTA reserves the right
to give out member names if they want, and members have to "opt out" of this
program if they don't want their names given out. Reference the join form
which has an "opt out" section.
>> adding people to the membership rolls without
>> their knowledge or permission,
> 77 members of the Finnish Transhumanist Association which has voted that their members are also WTA members
Right, but we argued on the board whether we had to actually ask each
individual if they wanted to join. The majority vote was we did not. We
were even told by James that it was "apparently legal" to add members
without their knowledge, so there was no problem. But this does not change
the fact that members have been added based on their other membership
organizations without their individual consent.
>>> The Oxford board meeting was one example where we were not
>> allowed to vote on whether to hold the international meeting or not.
> We voted, Harvey lost.
We were told that Peter donated the money and that the money would be spent
to have the meeting and fly people there no matter how the Board voted. I
didn't consider this much of a "vote".
>> The conference on Transhumanism and Spirituality is another example
>> where the "leaders" went ahead despite board objections.
> It wasn't a Board decision - it was a conference committee decision, and Harvey could have moved to disavow the
> symposium and decided not to.
Several board members objected to this when it was discussed, and objected
when the public announcement came that they did not know that this event was
proceeding. James even apologized after he reviewed the wtaboard archives
and realized that he had not garnered support and had not informed the board
that he would proceed anyway. And again, he argued that it was a committee
decision and not up to the board to vote.
>> There also were complaints about inaccuracies and plagiarism in the "WTA FAQ"
>> which the board was not allowed to address.
> Harvey repeatedly tried to get us to disavow the Transhumanist FAQ because Natasha was annoyed it didn't in her view
> give enough credit to Max and herself. Then she put up her own "Transhumanist FAQ" which barely even mentions the WTA
> in passing. We repeatedly debated and voted down disavowing our Transhumanist FAQ.
Wrong. As Liaison between WTA and ExI, I never heard the complaints James
gives above. The complaints of plagiarism did not come from ExI. James
attributes all sorts of evils to Natasha and ExI, but this had nothing to do
with it.
>> They are now pushing for
>> a new Executive Director position who can run WTA independently of the
>> board with little or no oversight or control.
> I report to the Board and am accountable through them to the membership.
Theoretically, yes. But the Executive Director has even more authority to
act without the board than James did before. This move obviously increases
rather than decreases James' freedom for independent action without the
>> James wants to be
>> Executive Director just as he has been chairman, treasurer, secretary,
>> publications director, newsletter editor, and website master.
> As if I haven't begged for someone to take up some slack? I only took on the Treasurer role because no one else would.
The fact remains that more than half of all WTA officers and committee
leadership positions are held by just a couple of people who control
everything. Under Connecticut corporate law, it is illegal for the Chairman
and the Treasurer to be the same person. James just resigned from his
Chairman role to resolve this illegality. This was not just an idle
complaint, but a point of law. Other conflicts of interest still arise if
James is on the Board, hires himself, pays himself, and is the Treasurer in
charge of auditing himself. I am not saying he is doing anything illegal
(now that he dropped the chair role), but that it is a conflict of interest
that may not pass financial audits.
>> The final straw was when James self-declared himself as Executive
>> Director and said he wanted to start taking a $60,000 salary.
> I was appointed by acclaim at the Oxford meeting, as affirmed in the unanimously approved minutes,
For those who don't know "acclaim" means by general discussion. No actual
vote count was taken. It is only allowed under Roberts Rules of Order if
there is a valid motion and a second, which did not occur in this case. It
also is only allowed if there are no objections. Jose insists that he
objected. Other board members who were there said they don't remember any
such vote. I have also posted on this list a thread showing James himself
and others discussing the fact that he wasn't voted in yet and needed to be
in the future. The story (and the minutes!) changed after the fact.
> reappointed by a vote of 5-3 two weeks ago. I draw no salary.
Not yet, because we don't have that kind of money. James plans to draw a
salary and has included it in future budget projections. This is the plan
voted by the majority of the board. Arguing that "he draws no salary" does
not change the fact that he wants to pocket the first $60K raised by WTA
every year.
>> They even abridged the official meeting minutes to add
>> this non-existent vote, and sent this out to the membership.
> The Board unanimously approved a version of the minutes, already published, which said I was nominated for the
> position and I met with general acclaim in Oxford. Then I presented an abridged version of the minutes to the Board
> for the newsletter, which were also unanimously approved, including by Harvey, which simply said I had
> been "appointed."
True, the original minutes said he had been nominated. True, the board
members approved the printing of the minutes in the newsletter. However,
none of the board members realized that the minutes had been changed between
these two votes. There was no vote to amend the minutes. James changed
them without anyone's knowledge.
>> When we
>> pointed to the public archives for historical evidence, the board voted
>> to shut down the public archives.
> Harvey made a motion to open all our Board list archive to the world, which we voted down. Instead we voted to open
> the Board list to our voting membership.
True. I wanted to open everything to the public. The majority of the board
voted that down. They then voted to have a public list and a private list.
This passed. This does not change the fact that some board actions have
been hidden from the public and that future board actions may be hidden from
the public.
>> When we pointed to the wtaboard
>> private archives for evidence, the original motion and minutes were
>> deleted.
> I had attached the minutes in Word, and we later discovered that neither the BBS nor the Mailman archives were
> preserving attachments. However we immediately reposted the minutes in text.
Yes, and the text minutes were the altered version, not the version
contained in the original motion for approval that was sent to all board
members for vote.
> BJ went public first, arguing that I should be expelled from the WTA on the grounds that I am "political".
Wrong, as BJ has already addressed. However, I don't know why it should be
a crime to go public with Board activities. I wish all board activities
were publicly known. I am appalled at how many votes seem to deliberately
hide information or mislead the membership. This is wrong.
> And then Harvey started his public meltdown.
The public demanded to know why I was removed from the WTA board. They, and
the members who elected me to the Board, have a right to know. This is not
a personal attack on James or anybody else. This is documentation of what
our elected WTA officials did while in office. I do not apologize for
telling the truth and keeping the members informed. I wish all board
members would do so. Sadly, those who did are now off the board.
> I would say the overall effect has been disconcerting for observers, but the three of them have been so obviously
> nutty and self-contradictory that I haven't felt moved to much of a defense.
There is no defense for the truth. I have posted the actual board e-mails
showing the events I claimed. I have been arguing for the opening of
wtaboard to the members and the public. Three of us voted against shutting
down the public wta archives. Naturally, those who want to hide this stuff
from the members don't want to defend their actions in public.
>> Our motions and seconds were ignored.
> They were all duly voted on defeated, when they were in order, which wasn't always.
The motion to actually vote for or against hiring James as ED was one such
motion that was declared out of order. All motions concerning the WTA FAQ
were declared out of order (because WTA supposedly has no FAQ). The vote to
elect a chairman instead of letting Giulio be appointed acting Chairman by
Nick was declared out of order. The motion to require the actual chair to
confirm votes out of order instead of letting an acting chair do so was
declared out of order. Every motion that the top three WTA officials didn't
like was simply ignored. If the archives were accessible, all this would be
clearly visible.
>> There were
>> private discussions by the majority how to boot off the minority
>> without appearing to kick them out.
> Because Harvey was acting disruptive and frankly crazy.
That does not make it legal. Just because you disagree with my standards
for openness and legal compliance doesn't mean I'm disruptive and crazy.
Was it crazy when I discovered that we hadn't renewed the WTA corporate
filing for years? (We may have lost out corporate status temporarily.) Was
it crazy when I discovered that we hadn't filed the required IRS forms for
nonprofits? (We may have to pay penalties for tax filing avoidance.) Was
it crazy to demand a written contract and actual vote count to hire an
Executive Director? Besides, even if I were crazy, that doesn't excuse you
from the obligation to follow wta bylaws to remove officers instead of
resorting to dirty tricks and hidden processes to do so.
>> Finally, I was told I was removed and had my
>> access to the wtaboard revoked. Later, they denied this ever happened
>> and made their motion that I had to resign or be removed.
> Harvey's yahoo account was bouncing and he interpreted it that we had expelled him. When we told him he wasn't
> expelled he went silent for two weeks, and all his email started bouncing. Then we finally started to take a vote that
> if Harvey didn't tell us if he had resigned or not, we would expell him. Which is when he claimed we expelled him
> again.
That wasn't what the WTA motion said. It said I had to give a clear
resignation by June 30 or be expelled. It did not give me the option to
remain on the board either way.
>> They say the "umbrella" status of the WTA is now dead.
> We're not an umbrella, and never were. We're a membership organization with affiliates. If ExI disaffiliates it would
> be a relief IMHO. I think the transhumanist movement is ready to move on.
This is not what the founding papers and FAQ for WTA claims. As I
repeatedly told the board, I don't care what they do, as long as it is
legally voted by the board and documented to the members. As long as the
WTA public statements claim it is an umbrella organization, it is. It is
wrong for them to say one thing in public, but secretly do another. If they
don't want to be an umbrella organization for all transhumanist groups
anymore, than they need to officially vote to change this, and stop claiming
it in their public statements.
>>I hope the WTA situation can be resolved
> Already has been with Harvey and BJ's resignation. Jose we can work with - chock his craziness up to the political
> pressure he's under at home and his Latin temprament.
Yes, this is their answer to the problem. Remove the complainers. These
are elected board members. If the members want our brand of "craziness",
they should get it. It is not up to a self-appointed few to override the
member elections.
> As for the ExIst machinations, I really couldn't care less.We haven't been pals since about...1994.
This is the root of the problem. The WTA leadership really have no desire
to work with Extropy Institute. They see them as competitors to be beaten
rather than transhumanists to be supported. These are the exact attitudes
and actions that they want to keep quiet from the membership.
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