[extropy-chat] Dr. James Hughes responds to Harvey Newstrom
Harvey Newstrom
mail at harveynewstrom.com
Thu Jun 10 03:35:52 UTC 2004
On Wednesday, June 9, 2004, at 11:13 am, Natasha Vita-More wrote:
> At 10:49 PM 6/8/04 -0700, starman2100 at cableone.net wrote:
> Harvey repeatedly tried to get us to disavow the Transhumanist FAQ
> because Natasha was annoyed it didn't in her view
> give enough credit to Max and herself. Then she put up her own
> "Transhumanist FAQ" which barely even mentions the WTA
> in passing. We repeatedly debated and voted down disavowing our
> Transhumanist FAQ.
I never did this. The only objections from ExI concerning the FAQ were
the unflattering things that it said about the purpose of ExI, which
ExI has long disputed. I felt, as Liaison for WTA to other
transhumanist groups, that WTA should stop publishing descriptions of
our affiliates that those affiliates dispute. The other complains may
have been made in the past, but I was not involved or aware of them.
The main dispute of the FAQ names was that WTA objected to the Extropy
Institute publishing their own transhumanist FAQ, claiming that it
intruded upon the memespace for WTA. This was the real heated battle
that I remember. The concept that their could only be one
transhumanist FAQ was promoted by WTA against other groups.
The final official decision by the WTA Board was that the WTA never has
had a FAQ and has never endorsed any FAQ! The Transhumannist FAQ
currently promoted by Nick was originally copied mostly from public
domain submissions from ExI members to the Extropians list and >H
Transhumanist list before WTA was formed, and thus WTA had no specific
interests in or claims to this FAQ. Nick grabbed these public postings
and edited them together, but never claimed to have written the FAQ
bearing his name. (They would not agree to take the WTA logo off of
it, or remove the "Published by the World Transhumanist Association"
from its cover, however!)
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