[extropy-chat] Re: Group Hug
Harvey Newstrom
mail at harveynewstrom.com
Fri Jun 11 23:04:31 UTC 2004
On Friday, June 11, 2004, at 04:44 pm, MIKE TREDER wrote:
> As an original and current WTA Director, and as a member of the
> Executive Advisory Team for the Extropy Institute, I’ve been dismayed
> and disheartened by the recent unpleasantness between people within
> the two organizations. It is unnecessary, unseemly, and
> counterproductive. In a silly fight like this, there are no winners,
> only losers.
> I can easily find fault on both sides, although I prefer to focus on
> our common and complementary strengths instead of dwelling on what
> divides us. I’ve urged James Hughes and Nick Bostrom to exercise
> leadership by being inclusive and conciliatory; I’ve counseled Harvey
> Newstrom and Bruce Klein to show restraint and to seek compromises
> that satisfy everyone’s primary needs.
What unpleasantness are you talking about? And what Extropy Institute
people are you referring to? Both sides you mention above (James and
Nick versus Harvey and Bruce) are internal to the WTA Board. I don't
see how Extropy Institute is involved in any of the WTA Board's
internal problems. Is there some additional controversy with WTA that
I missed that extends outside the WTA Boardroom?
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