[extropy-chat] the (scary) future of pro-death bioethics andlegislation
devon fowler
dfowler282004 at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 13 04:04:28 UTC 2004
Interesting take on politics I'm not completely sure
what you exactly mean by "Knucklehead's Council for
Bioethics," and I don't exactly know how to influence
beyond my one vote unless I have some respectable
position in politics which I don't.
I'm sorry I didn't quite get the rest of your message
with reference to the idea of 'knuckleheads' could you
--- Brett Paatsch <bpaatsch at bigpond.net.au> wrote:
> "devon fowler" wrote:
> .... I'm going to start writing to some of the
> congress people
> to try to abolish the council on bioethics as you
> have alluded
> to in previous conversation.
> ------
> If you have never written a congressman I reckon
> that would be
> a good experience for you. You would be learning
> about practical
> politics by doing and about how to exert political
> influence above
> and beyond your single vote (especially if you
> understood that was
> what you were doing). That would be a life lesson
> you could build
> on.
> Note though. It is probably not the "[C/c]ongress
> people's Council on
> Bioethics" that you are concerned with. Nor is it
> the first structure
> ostensibly about ethics or even bioethics set up by
> politicians to consider
> bioethics or ethics from one particular point of
> view.
> If you want to know whose council on bioethics is
> the one you are
> concerned about perhaps consider its formal name. In
> 2004, in
> developed western countries, a council comprised of
> homo-sapiens is
> not "owned" like you or I might own say a menagerie
> of companion
> animals. Or not *very* like ;-). But it IS *owned*
> in the political sense
> by the person whose authority is in the name.
> You might see it written in capitalised form
> something like
> "Knucklehead's Council for Bioethics" or some such.
> Here's a further political tip. "Knucklehead's
> Council for Bioethics"
> is unlikely to be called "Knucklehead's Council for
> Bioethics" for long
> if Knucklehead is not a name but a role.
> It is extremely unlikely that Knucklehead number 44
> will chose to
> use the title "Knucklehead's Council for Bioethics"
> when the 44th
> person in the role replaces the 43rd because the
> 44th person will
> want to re-brand. And if the 44th person is not
> smart enough to
> know they should rebrand they probably will not be
> politcally smart
> enough to be the 44th person in the Knucklehead
> role.
> Regards,
> Brett Paatsch
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Devon Fowler
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