[extropy-chat] the (scary) future of pro-death bioethicsandlegislation
devon fowler
dfowler282004 at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 19 01:38:55 UTC 2004
That is my view too, that also seems to be the crux of the whole problem who wouldn't want to live well longer? or really well longer for that matter? I'm a big advocate of biotech inhancement for quality of life and experiencing more nuanced and pleasant to really wonderful emotions that humans can't experience pre-bioenhanced
Amara Graps <amara at amara.com> wrote:Spike:
>Ja, I agree with all of this. My notion is much more narrowly
>focused however: governments will be no help at all in the pursuit
>of life extension.
The smarter governments will want their slaves to work longer, so that
their pensions won't kick in until much later.
('Smart' and 'Government' ? Nah... can't be true )
>The second biggest problem is that industry, with its collective
>money and science behind it, is not particularly interested in
>life extension. Industry is very interested in *youth* extension,
>giving us viagra and baldness treatments, along with a seemly
>halfhearted scattering of cures for some diseases. But overall,
>I see practically nothing from industry for true life extension.
I think that a smart industrialist could see the potential for
bootstrapping off of the beauty industry.
>But the biggest problem is that very few people are interested
>in life extension.
Because they don't trust that they can live *better* if they live
*longer*. Who wants to live longer if they are bedridden, attached
to tubes?
In my view, that is the angle on which to pay attention, that
is, Living *Well*, *Longer* .
Amara Graps, PhD email: amara at amara.com
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"I don't want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to
achieve it through not dying." -- Woody Allen
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