[extropy-chat] Three-quarters of N. American's support stem cellresearch
devon fowler
dfowler282004 at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 20 02:21:43 UTC 2004
It would certainly be better if we had a government
that cared about such research and I guess plenty of
effort has gone to waste trying to pursuade
politicians to care about such research, I assume you
all have thought about trying to change governemnt
policy to no avail? --
- Reason <reason at longevitymeme.org> wrote:
> --> J. Andrew Rogers
> > It isn't like the government is banning research,
> they simply aren't
> > allowing federal money to be spent on it. There
> is a hell of a lot of
> > private research money, most of which is far
> better spent anyway.
> It is annoying that people make this argument while
> ignoring the effects of
> government policy - existing and threatened - on
> private funding. In case
> you hadn't noticed, the threat of a complete ban on
> therapeutic cloning and
> stem cell research has been hovvering close over the
> industry in the US for
> the past two years. The same or worse goes for
> Europe. Substantial private
> funding just doesn't happen under those
> circumstances - the risk is too
> great.
> Reason
> Founder, Longevity Meme
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Devon Fowler
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