[extropy-chat] Query: Which Scientists to Support "Proactionary Principle"?

Mike Lorrey mlorrey at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 21 20:10:06 UTC 2004

--- "natashavita at earthlink.net" <natashavita at earthlink.net> wrote:
> Greetings!
> Extropy Institute is developing a list of scientists to publicly
> support
> the Proactionary Principle.
> Which scientists would you like to see supporting the Proactionary
> Principle and whose names would you like to see on the masthead?

Stephen Hawking
Michio Kaku (don't expect it though)
John Cramer
It's a challenge, but Noam Chomsky (is he still considered a linguistic
scientist, or just a political flake?)
Someone from Sun Microsystems (to counter Bill Joy)
Marvin Minsky

Mike Lorrey
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