[extropy-chat] POLITICS: terrorism and strategies
J. Andrew Rogers
andrew at ceruleansystems.com
Fri Jun 25 04:35:36 UTC 2004
On Jun 24, 2004, at 9:15 PM, paul.bridger wrote:
> Is 'we' the US? I wasn't aware anyone was bankrolling the Palestinians.
Yes, 'we' is the USA, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars
for the Palestinians. And billions to the Israelis (though we actually
get some benefit from the Israeli money). How else do you think Arafat
acquired the billion or so dollars he has in his foreign bank accounts?
Neither could do what they do if it weren't for the fact that we give
them a large portion of their total economic output (if you can call
welfare "economic output").
j. andrew rogers
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